
Showing posts from September, 2020

Working with the best mortgage broker Montreal

  Applying for a home loan isn’t something that can be done in a day. And, it is for sure not as simple as getting a normal loan at any bank or lender. This is why many are making use of the  best mortgage broker Montreal . The only problem is that not many people have worked with a broker before. And, this is making it hard to decide if this is something to consider. With this guide, you will know everything about brokers. Especially if this is something that you can consider using when you want to get an approved mortgage loan.  What is a mortgage broker? What is a mortgage broker? This is a question that many are asking. They know what a mortgage loan is and what a mortgage lender is, but a broker?  This is someone that is applying for a loan for you. They are sending your application to as many lenders and banks as possible. Getting the best loan deal for you. You just need to fill in the application once and wait for the brokers to get back to you. Making the wh...

Mistakes people are making with buying commercial real estate Montreal

Many think that buying property for your business is easy. That there aren’t as many things that can go wrong as when you are buying a home. However, this isn’t completely the truth. There are many mistakes that people can make when buying commercial real estate Montreal. Especially if they are buying without doing research and without making sure that the business can afford the premiums of a property. These are some of the most common mistakes that people are making when it comes to buying commercial real estate. Buying because they fell in love with the building You are looking for Montreal real estate for sale for your new business. You are searching for days on end and don’t find what you are looking for. And, then you see it. Your dream location and you immediately fell in love with the building. You buy the property without thinking twice. Later you realize that the building didn’t fit all the needs of your business, or it might be too high for your business to afford. Or, ...

Mortgage broker Montreal. Myths busted.

By buying a home, it means that you need to get an approved loan. Something that might be harder than you think. Many are going from bank to bank and lender to lender trying to get an approved mortgage. It can take forever, and it isn’t a guarantee that you will get an approved mortgage. This is where the mortgage broker Montreal comes in. They are making it easier to get loans approved. The only problem is that many people believe in the myths that are going around about these agents. Something that causes people not to use brokers at all. These are some myths that are busted and for sure not the truth.  Mortgage brokers are expensive One thing is for sure. If you are getting a mortgage, you are going to pay high premiums for a long time. The last thing that you want is to pay the broker’s fees as well. This is a rumor that is going around. That brokers are a lot more expensive than  Private mortgage lenders Montreal .  This is a myth. Yes, you are going to pay a fee for...